Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ryan and Nicole's Graduation

December 5th Ryan and Nicole graduated from Trinity Bible College in Ellendale North Dakota.
It was a great day, Colyn went with me. We had a great time staying in their apartment.
Hanging out, playing Wii (we will not mention our Wii fit ages)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas time.

One of the seven trees
The Dining Room

Decorating the house for Christmas...

Monday, October 27, 2008

My weekend with Colyn, Ryan and Nicole

Grandma, Nicole and Ryan

In front of the Opera House

At the Pella Opera House.

Colyn, Ryan and Nicole at the house.

I had a great time with my family. Here are some photos

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My BIrthday

I had a great day, thanks to my family! Thank you so much. Sue you totally surprised me with the shadow box. That was great. Beth thank you for the camera. I love taking pictures, and I have missed my camera so much. Mom thank you too for your present, I will use it well.

Ryan and Colyn thank you too!

Here are some photos, now that I have a new camera.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Hair.....

Colyn getting ready to take Grandma for a spin in the VW

New glasses.....

Friday, October 17, 2008


Colyn and I at the DM Catholic Worker House

What a parent really thinks.....

Another week is over--it has been a busy week. I am looking forward to the weekend.
Colyn is in Kansas City for fall break. I am so proud of his volunteer spirit. He is staying with some friends at night, but during the day he is volunteering at a homeless shelter. I am sure he will learn much from this experience. You have to go thru a metal detector to enter the shelter.
A new experience for him. It will be good to see him on Sunday and hear about his experience.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gas $2.55

Filled up yesterday for $2.55/gallon!


My sister sold the VW. It was only on CraigsList for a few hours. I love that sight. You do not have to pay any fees.

Beth and I also went and voted yesterday.....we were both surprised by the number of Presidential candidates...

Here is a link to site to see if you can vote early...

Also excited for Ryan and Nicole as they start the journey of figuring out life after they graduate.
I will be attending their graduation. I am renting a house in Ellendale, cheaper than a hotel.
Should be a fun way to spend my last visit in Ellendale. It is a little sad to think of this, but I know Ryan and Nicole are ready to get out of dodge....